Mind (Facts, Tricks, Interesting World)

I want to share some of the best Mind Tricks and Facts that can help in your everyday life.


  •  When arguing with someone, act much calmer than them. This can cause them to say something particularly irrational which you can use against them.
  • Nodding your head while asking a question makes the other person more likely to agree with you.

  • When High-Fiving, look at other’s elbow and you’ll never miss.
  • If you have a song stuck in your head that you can’t seem to get out, think of the end of the song and it should go away. This is due to something called the Zeigarnik effect, which is basically your mind having a problem with things left unfinished.
  • When trying to find something, look right to left instead of left to right. You’re more likely to miss things because your eyes are used to looking one way.
  • Do this to someone: Tell them to look into your eyes and say they can’t stop looking. Ask them what they had for lunch three days ago and chances are they won’t be able to answer. It’s very hard to remember something without moving your eyes.

About Abdullah Shahid Rana

My name is Abdullah Shahid Rana, I live in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan. I am a still a student. I love IT, gadgets, new innovations, softwares, games, movies. As well as Exploring and Developing them.

Posted on 22/06/2015, in All, Facts, Interesting World, Mind and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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